Labor Circuits and the pelvis

Hello hello, soon-to-be parents! Ready for some tips and tricks for what to do when you’re waiting for labor to start or in early labor? Today, we're talking about labor circuits, inlet, midpelvis, outlet, and even throwing in some Miles Circuit and Spinning Babies action. Buckle up, and take it one step at a time!

Think of labor as a grand journey, and your baby as the ultimate explorer, ready to make their debut. But first, they have to navigate the labyrinth of your pelvis. That's where labor circuits come in handy – they're like GPS for your little adventurer! Guiding them through your pelvis and out to the world!

Pelvic Inlet

Picture the inlet as the majestic gates of a castle. This is the top of your pelvis, and where your baby's journey begins, so it's crucial to ensure everything is wide open and welcoming. Cue the pelvic tilts and lunges, deep supported squats and rolling on your birth ball! **These are great to practice in preparation for labor!**


Ah, the midpelvis – the snug little rest stop along the way and where your baby rotates. But sometimes, babies can get a bit too cozy, leading to detours or even traffic jams. Time to bust out those hip circles and cat-cow stretches – we're keeping the road clear and breezy! Some other movements that are great are internal rotation step ups, lunges, and side lunges to make room on either side of the pelvis to help your baby on through!


Congratulations! You've reached the grand finale – the outlet. This is where your baby makes their grand exit, like a superstar taking center stage. Squats, lunges, and maybe even a little salsa dance – whatever gets that baby boogieing down the birth canal! Here, we want your knees in and ankles out to make room room room! To prepare for pushing, imagining this space engaging and widening can be extremely helpful! Pelvic floor relaxation exercises are great here like – child’s pose, happy baby, deep squat, and butterfly stretch! Some discomfort in areas can be normal, but these should not be painful. Again, do what feels good for your body! Some dynamic movements may be helpful with this - like labor circuits!

Labor Circuits!

Miles Circuit!

Feeling adventurous? Why not take the scenic route with the Miles Circuit? It's like a sightseeing tour for your baby, complete with twists, turns, and plenty of pelvic mobility exercises. Who knows, you might even spot some wildlife along the way – like a rogue contraction or two! Start slow and only keep going when it feels doable. It can be counterintuitive to continue when your body is not feeling it. A little challenge is okay, making you exhausted is not. Check out The Miles Circuit attached below!

Spinning Babies!

And let's not forget about Spinning Babies – the ultimate dance party extravaganza for you and your little one. Who says labor can't be a blast? Spinning Babies’  principles are based on three things: Balance, Gravity, and Movement! First focusing on balancing your body, then using gravity to help your body and baby, and lastly, move in ways that feels good *and rest when it feels good too*!

Remember: Going for a short walk at any point that feels helpful is beneficial!

Remember, labor is wild and unpredictable. With a little humor, a dash of creativity, and a whole lot of pelvic action, you'll be cruising through those labor circuits like seasoned pros. So, take a deep breath, trust in your body, and let the adventure begin!

And there you have it – your Doula's guide to moving the pelvis, labor circuits, and preparing for labor. Now go forth and may your journey be filled with laughter, love, and maybe even a few unexpected detours along the way!

*prioritize doing what feels good*

much love

Written by Sarina Abraham, Doula at Sweet Willow Birth,