
Hey There, Welcome to the Wonderful World of Never Ending Pregnancy Fluids!

Welcome to the wild world of pregnancy, where your body has all sorts of magic tricks in store for you! One of the most exciting: fluids flowing out of your nether regions that seem to have a mind of their own, especially as you get closer to your due date. Don't worry, though – I'm here to give you the lowdown on all things liquid so you can navigate this journey like a pro.


Let's start with the most common culprit: pee. Yep, your bladder can turn into a leaky faucet during pregnancy, thanks to all that pressure from your growing baby. If you feel a sudden gush or dribble, especially when you laugh, cough, or sneeze, chances are it's just good ol' urine making one of its many exits. How to tell? If it’s clear, kinda smells like, well, urine, and happens when you laugh too hard or sneeze, it’s probably just your bladder saying, "Hey, remember me?" No shame – just keep playing with those pelvic floor exercises, and maybe invest in some extra absorbent undies.

Vaginal Fluid

Now, onto vaginal fluid – your body's natural lubricant. It's totally normal to have more of this stuff during pregnancy, thanks to hormonal changes and increased blood flow. Vaginal discharge is usually clear or milky white, and it's totally normal. Keep an eye out for funky smells or any itching or burning, which may be an indicator for a visit to your provider.

Amniotic Fluid

Alright, buckle up because here comes the main event: amniotic fluid. This is the protection and cushioning that surrounds your baby in the womb. Picture this: you're chillin' on the couch, maybe binge-watching your favorite show, and suddenly, whoosh! It feels like the floodgates have opened. That gush? Could be your amniotic fluid making a grand entrance. It's clear, kinda like water and odorless (unlike urine), and it doesn’t seem to stop. This would be a good time to call your healthcare provider; your little one might be gearing up for their grand entrance!


Once your water breaks, aka when you're pretty sure it is your amniotic fluid, it’s important to check out what came out. So meconium is basically your baby's first poop. Sounds cute, right? Well, it can be, but it can also make a dramatic entrance during labor. Meconium is thick, sticky, and greenish-black, doesn't sound as cute now... If you notice a greenish or brownish discharge, especially towards the end of your pregnancy, in your amniotic fluid, or during labor, it could be a sign that your baby has decided to do a little pre-game poop session. Your baby pooping before being born doesn't necessarily mean something is drastically wrong, but it could be an indicator for a bit of a stressed baby. If you see this, it's important to contact your healthcare team to keep an eye on things. 

Mucus Plug

Last but not least, we've got the mucus plug. Think of this as your body's way of saying, "Hey, baby's coming soon!" It's a blob of gooey, jelly-like mucus that seals off your cervix during pregnancy. Losing it can happen days or even weeks before labor starts, and it might come out in one piece or bit by bit. It can be tinged with some blood, but no need to panic, it’s your body preparing for the big day!

Final Thoughts: Trust Your Gut (Literally)

Remember, you're the expert on your own body. Remember, everybody is different, so if something feels off or you're not sure what's going on down there, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider. Whether it's a trickle, a gush, or a glob, they've seen it all and are there to help you navigate this wild ride called pregnancy. So sit back and relax (as impossible as this may seem), and keep rocking that bump. 

You’re almost there - you've got this! 

Written by Sarina Abraham, Doula at Sweet Willow Birth, www.sweetwillowbirth.com