Your birth stories

“I am a lucky one who got to be one of Sarina’s first births here in Charlotte, NC. From the moment I met her and all through my prenatal care, she was full of love, patience and gentleness. During the birth of our daughter, Sarina showed up and was all of those things through my labor that lasted all night. I especially loved her ability to come in & out of the space reading me and trying to meet my needs without prompting including a post birth meal that she so beautifully made for me. Sarina is a true healer simply by sharing her genuine self with me. It is a pleasure to know her and have had her energy with me on my journey. I hope I too helped her somehow someway! Thank you beautiful babe.”


March 2024

“My experience with Sarina started later in my pregnancy around the 33rd week. Upon meeting her I felt a warm, relaxed yet energetic spirit about Sarina . I was comfortable to talk about my feelings, and voice how worried I was for my postpartum experience. She fit right into my birth plan and team like she was always meant to be there. Sarina came over twice prenatally to chat birth, and work through a few different Birthing From Within techniques that I had never experienced before, they were all beneficial and helped me unlock a tool to use during labor. During active labor Sarina was quick in responding to my updates, I felt confident she would be at my side when I needed her. When I did feel the need for support she arrived in a timely manner. Sarina listened, and followed all of my quickly changing requests for comfort measures so graciously. After birth she was very attentive but gave me and my family adequate space for bonding. Some of the ways Sarina sticks out among some of the other Doulas I’ve used is her knowledge, passion, and over all willingness to mold herself to what I needed and what birth preferences I like. She remembered so many of the things we discussed prior. Every visit I’ve had with Sarina both prenatally and postpartum she meets me with her kind, bright, and overall genuinely helpful personality which she matched with sweet and thoughtful offerings of fresh cut daffodils, homemade lactation cookies, and some of the yummiest berry tea I’ve ever had! I would happily recommend Sarina to another birthing Mother, or use her in a subsequent pregnancy. She’s beautiful inside and out! Lastly I have to give bonus points for bringing bubbles for my older kiddos to play with during a postpartum visit, that was brilliant. “

Warmly, K

March 2024

“Sarina was always simply joyous every time we met her from pregnancy, birth, and then postpartum. What stood out to me from the start was her ability to connect with my 3 year old. I needed to talk a lot through everything I was experiencing in this pregnancy just to feel reassured and Sarina has probably listened to me for hours! She went out of her way to make me feel comfortable and supported. Definitely the type of person who is naturally calm, attentive and easy to trust. During the birth of our second daughter, Elena, Sarina was the first face I saw there (VERY fast birth!) Afterwards she hand fed me, brought everything I needed and encouraged me while I recovered in bed. Sarina also supported my husband in setting up for the birth as well as cleaning up afterwards like an angel. Of course she came to check on me postpartum too; simply so much emotional support! Just a completely sweet, professional and authentic woman who was made for birth work! Sarina, thank you! You are so special. Our family will never forget the role you played in bringing our second born earth side and we are eternally grateful.”

Love, The Clay Family: Cami, Nick, Ella and Elena

March 2024